Tucson is gearing up to raise the roof on safety standards throughout May. The city's Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) is teaming up with the International Code Council (ICC) to mark the 44th Building Safety Month. They’re rallying the community to focus on the bedrock that keeps structures standing firm: building codes.
This year's "Mission Possible" theme emphasizes getting more boots on the ground to improve safety in buildings where people live and work. A PDSD release advised that Tucsonans can get a handle on building safety by tapping into ICC's resources and distributing safety tips. Each week is plotted out to tackle a different safety angle, starting with “” and wrapping up with a celebration of “Success in Building Safety.”
The serious business of ensuring our abodes and workplaces don't crumble isn't taken lightly by these organizations. The activities planned aim to drill into the importance of updated and adopted building codes. Week's two focus, "Preparing a Building Safety Plan," will delve into the strategies to keep buildings from being a hazard. While week three, "Learning from the Pros," is on deck to showcase the knowledge and skills of industry experts.
Engaging citizens plays a pivotal role in the month-long observance. "Engaging Your Community," week four's theme, calls on residents to take the initiative in their hometown safety. The final week is there to pat on the back for all the hard work done to ensure codes are up to snuff. According to the PDSD announcement, the ICC is the brains behind the codes, standards, and solutions that buttress safe and sustainable building practices.
The organizers invite Tucson's citizenry to come together and not only learn but shape a safer habitat. For those looking to nail down more details about Building Safety Month and its weekly themes, the information is a click away at the ICC's website.