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Published on June 28, 2024
Anthony Duclair Inspires Next Generation at Annual Youth Hockey Camp in Coral SpringsSource: Wikipedia/Anthony Duclair

Skating into the hearts of young Floridians, former Florida Panthers winger Anthony Duclair brought the heat to ice at his second annual youth hockey camp in Coral Springs. The Ice Den was abuzz with kids aged 7 through 15, who had the opportunity to learn from a pro who's graced the NHL stages with speed and skill, Duclair, who once darted across the rink for the Panthers and recently with the Tampa Bay Lightning and San Jose Sharks, hasn't lost his zest for the game or the community as Local 10 News captured the excitement at the camp.

Describing his vision to unite and lift up, particularly among minority groups, Duclair shared, "I started this foundation two years ago," and he continued detailing his efforts, stating, "The mission was to bring my minorities and everyone together and give them an opportunity to play on the ice" in a statement acquired by Local 10 News during the on-ice sessions, this camp is no routine drill for these young aspirants it's a chance to glide alongside an NHL talent who's not just there to teach stickhandling but to also instill in these youngsters the practice of inclusivity and perseverance. Nearly 70 campers took part in the developmental program this year, aiming to mirror Duclair's drive and dedication on the ice.

It's not just about hockey, though; it's about building character and setting goals. The 14-year-old hopeful Kia Bourgeois, gushing with enthusiasm, told Local 10, "It’s amazing, I love this sport." Duclair himself added, "Just going to take everything I learned when I was a kid and try to teach it down," emphasizing the camp's underlying mission to foster confidence and a sense of community.

The Duclair Foundation's endeavors extend beyond the rink, having broken ground earlier this year for a new synthetic ice surface at Boyd H. Anderson High School in Lauderdale Lakes, as noted by The Hockey News, the foundation is laying the groundwork for future generations to have access to hockey, regardless of background or geographical constraints, Duclair, who tallied 24 goals and racked up 42 points last season, remains a pivotal figure in the sport not just through his stats but also through his contributions to community and youth development.

While Duclair's on-ice future awaits a free agency decision come July 1, his commitment to fostering young talent is a sure bet in the Coral Springs community. Demonstrating that even off the professional stage, athletes like Duclair can continue to make an indelible impact on the sport and its future enthusiasts.