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Published on June 17, 2024
Arlington Lights Monuments in Purple for #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDaySource: City of Arlington, Texas

This Saturday, June 15, Arlington's monuments outside City Hall will shine in purple hues, joining the global movement to mark #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay. In a show of solidarity and newfound awareness, the city aims to cast light on the ongoing struggle against the mistreatment of elderly adults, drawing attention to a problem that persists behind closed doors and in public spaces alike.

An online announcement via Facebook by the City of Arlington, Texas declared that the ceremonial lighting is part of a broader goal to "increase awareness of the mistreatment of older adults wherever they live, and to highlight the need for appropriate action." With these illuminated monuments, the city intends to remind its citizens that elder abuse is a societal illness that requires collective vigilance and intervention.

Elder abuse takes various forms, including physical, emotional, and financial harm, as well as neglect and abandonment. The unfortunate reality is that such abuse is often hidden and underreported, making it a challenge for communities and authorities to adequately tackle it. Lighting the monuments purple—a color symbolically associated with wisdom, dignity, and respect—serves as a beacon for reflection and a call to protect the eldest among us.

The initiative in Arlington is part of a worldwide effort to combat elder abuse, with numerous organizations and governments recognizing June 15 as a day for advocacy and education on the issue. These efforts are crucial in fostering a dialogue on how we, as a community, can better safeguard the rights and well-being of our aging population.