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Published on June 02, 2024
Arlington Police Reschedule Community Cookout for Family Fun and Free Food on June 6Source: Google Street View

After an unexpected rain check due to Texas’s capricious weather, the Arlington Police Department is back on track with its community event, now slated for June 6. In an announcement that puts a new date on the calendar, the department has invited locals to gather at Vandergriff Park for an afternoon of free grub and family fun.

The community cookout, originally scheduled for the night before, fell foul of the weather's fickle whims. Yet that has done little to dampen the spirits of the event organizers or the intended guests. "Texas weather is like a box of chocolates… you never know what you're going to get!" the department quipped on Facebook. The cookout aims to serve up not only hotdogs and burgers but also a side of camaraderie between Arlington's residents and its officers.

According to the Arlington Police Department, the gathering will be hosted at 2800 S. Center Street from 4 pm to 8 pm. Attendees can expect a spread of burgers, snacks, and soft drinks, all free of charge. The event epitomizes the ‘community policing’ initiative, an effort to strengthen ties between law enforcement and the community they serve.

The invitation is as broad as the Texas sky, encouraging all to “Come get some food, hang out with Arlington's finest, and have some fun with the family!” The Arlington Police Department hopes this event will be a conduit for connection, bringing people together over the universal language of food, amid the laughter of children and the informal banter of neighbors. And for those on the fence, the allure of free food and friendly faces might just be the ticket.