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Published on June 28, 2024
Baltimore Leadership Denounces Antisemitic Incidents, Pledges Solidarity with Jewish CommunitySource: Google Street View

In a direct response to a series of disturbing antisemitic incidents in Baltimore City, Mayor Brandon M. Scott, and Police Commissioner Richard Worley have publicly condemned the reported acts of hate. According to the City of Baltimore, these acts range from violence to vandalism targeting the local Jewish community.

Mayor Scott declared these acts as not only a "horrifying display of hate" but also unacceptable, with a stern promise that the City would not tolerate such behavior. "These antisemitic acts are despicable, and you will be held accountable." as reported by the City of Baltimore. Scott said, affirming solidarity with the Jewish community. Meanwhile, Commissioner Worley detailed an "alarming increase of hate crimes towards our Jewish community, to include antisemitism speech, vandalism, intimidation and even violence." Both officials advocate for thorough investigations to bring the individuals responsible to justice, and they reiterate that hate, towards any person or community, is unwelcome in Baltimore.

The Baltimore Police Department (BPD) is currently spearheading these investigations with Worley emphasizing the department's dedication to probe all hate-based incidents impartially and aggressively. Per Worley's statement, any individual involved in initiating or propagating hate crimes will face the full gravitas of the law. The broader consequence of hate crimes, which extend beyond the victims to their loved ones and communities, is also a key area of concern for the BPD.

Community support is a critical component of the department's strategy, as both Mayor Scott and Commissioner Worley underscored the importance of standing with the victims and the Jewish community at large. "BPD will continue to support the victims and stand with communities against hate and harassment in all forms, towards anyone,” stated Worley as per the City of Baltimore. As the city anticipates results from ongoing investigations, the unified front presented by city officials sends a clear message of zero tolerance for actions borne of hate and prejudice.