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Published on June 18, 2024
Change of Command at CFLSW: CAPT Ward Succeeds Retiring CAPT Pugh in Traditional Naval CeremonySource: Commander Fleet Logistics Support Wing (CFLSW)

At the Commander Fleet Logistics Support Wing (CFLSW), a pivotal shift in leadership took place last Friday with the traditional pomp and circumstance that befits a military change of command. According to the NAS JRB Fort Worth, the event also marked the starboard turn into retirement for CAPT Pugh who relinquished his position as Commodore to his successor, CAPT Ward.

The ceremony, which holds both weight and significance in naval tradition, was not just a transaction of duties, but also a celebration, it paid homage to CAPT Pugh’s career — one well-served and filled with accomplishments that merited a hearty send-off of "fair winds in retirement." The NAS JRB Fort Worth captured the essence of this naval passage, "Fair Winds in retirement CAPT Pugh and Welcome CAPT Ward!!" — a message both succinct and rich with the respect accorded to a departing leader.

CAPT Ward, stepping into the role, now shoulders the vast responsibilities expected of the CFLSW Commodore — a position that demands excellence in logistical coordination and strategic foresight. Such ceremonies are more than formalities; they are a renewal of commitment to service and duty from the incoming leader witnessed by peers, subordinates, and predecessors alike. The community and fellow officers expressed optimism and support for the new chapter under CAPDefy's watch, indicative of the deep-rooted camaraderie within the forces.

The significance of the change of command is deeply rooted in military culture, serving as an unmistakable signal of continuity and change. As the baton or, in this case, the command, is passed, the personnel of CFLSW find themselves under the aegis of a new leader, one vetted and entrusted with guiding of their collective efforts forward. The spirit of the event was well-captured by the social media pronouncement, ensuring that the wider community could partake, even from a distance, in this ceremonious affair, according to the details shared by the installation's official Facebook page.