Miami/ Weather & Environment
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Published on June 16, 2024
Mixed Weather Ahead as Miami Anticipates Sun and Showers as Week ProgressesSource: Unsplash/ aurora.kreativ

As the ebb and flow of Florida weather patterns persist, Miami residents can look forward to a mixed bag of sun and rain in the coming days. According to, the city will be host to "a 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms" later today, with a close-to-balmy high near 88 degrees. The evening is expected to bring a similar likelihood of showers and storms before 7pm, followed by partly cloudy skies and a mild 79 degrees. The National Weather Service notes a calm wind changing to northeast at 8 to 10 mph, offering a slight cool down as night falls.

Transitioning into the new week, Monday's forecast promises a 40 percent chance of rain, with partly sunny conditions and a high near 87 degrees. The breeze is set to pick up, bringing gusts as high as 23 mph and adding a bracing element to the daylight hours. Into the night, those same East winds around 14 mph could lead to a repeat performance of evening showers, as per the National Weather Service's detailed forecast.

Furthermore, in a slight deviation from the previously reported patterns, NBC 6 Miami highlights "more drying as we wrap up the weekend." This comes as a welcome contrast to the tumultuous weather of the past week. Father's Day Sunday is slated to offer minimal shower chances at 20 percent, with the primary condition being cloudy but warm, sporting highs approaching the 90-degree mark. "High pressure keeps us relatively quiet and save a shower on the breeze through Tuesday," states NBC 6 Miami, providing reassurance for those planning outdoor celebrations.

Moving deeper into the upcoming week, the likelihood of showers is on the rise once again with rain chances shooting back up by Wednesday, matching the National Weather Service's projections for a midweek increase in precipitation. The juxtaposition of these forecasts reveals Florida's capricious climate, one where umbrellas might need to be as readily accessible as sunglasses. And, as Weather Service's forecast outlines, Thursday might prove to be the wettest day of the lot, touting a 60 percent chance of storms breaking through the partly sunny skyline. In the nights to follow, Miami inhabitants should brace for continued humidity and temperatures hovering around the 79-degree mark.

Miami-Weather & Environment