Miami/ Weather & Environment
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Published on June 08, 2024
South Florida Braces for Rain, Miami-Dade and Broward Counties to Face Showers Amid Drought ConditionsSource: Unsplash/ Osman Rana

Residents of South Florida should prepare for a downpour as forecasters predict a surge of tropical moisture that will increase storm activity in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, where moderate to severe drought conditions have become a pressing concern. According to National Weather Service, residents can expect "showers and thunderstorms likely, mainly before 5 pm," with a 70% chance of precipitation and potential rainfall amounts of up to half an inch today.

While the weekend offers a mixed bag, with scattered showers and potential thunderstorms, WSVN notes a "large surge of tropical moisture is forecast to occur mid to late week," signaling stormier times ahead. Despite the sporadic nature of the storms this weekend, Saturday is set to be the wetter day, tempered by periodic breaks that should stop it from being a complete washout.

The current heat isn't expected to let up despite the rain, as temperatures in the low 90s are predicted. Sunday promises some respite, with "relatively brighter and drier conditions" and a slightly diminished risk for storms, according to WSVN, although the chance of precipitation remains on the table.

Looking further ahead into next week, the weather landscape is set to shift dramatically. A disturbance in the Gulf of Mexico, paired with an existing high pressure over the Atlantic, will drive moisture from the western Caribbean Sea towards Miami, as per WSVN. There remains some uncertainty about the extent and intensity of the rainfall, though forecasts suggest anywhere between 1 to 3 inches of rain, with the potential for more than six inches in certain projections.

Residents are advised to be alert as the heightened rainfall could lead to flooding in some areas. While predictions have not yet solidified into a definitive forecast, the likelihood of increased precipitation is high, and considerations for potential flood-related disruptions should be taken into account, especially given the already parched conditions of the region. As Miami braces itself for a possible deluge, the only certainty is the temperamental nature of the skies above.

Miami-Weather & Environment