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Published on July 01, 2024
Worcester Police Arrest Man for Possession and Intent to Distribute Crack Cocaine in Castle Park OperationSource: Facebook/Worcester Police Department (Official)

In a recent operation closely surveilling drug activity in Castle Park, Worcester police arrested a man identified as Miguel Martinez, 48, on charges related to possession and intent to distribute crack cocaine. According to Worcester Police official reports, Martinez was observed engaging in what appeared to be drug dealing on Saturday.

While monitoring the Alden Street side of the park, an area notorious for its illicit drug transactions, officers noticed Martinez remove a white, rock-like substance from his person and divide it into smaller fragments upon a stone wall, dispensing these pieces to several individuals who subsequently smoked the drug believed to be crack cocaine. As authorities approached, the scene became chaotic with the crowd attempting to disperse and Martinez quickly attempting to hide the illegal substance.

Upon detaining Martinez, a search revealed a white bag inside his right shoe, containing two rock-like substances weighing approximately 7-10 grams, presumed to be crack cocaine. Martinez now faces charges for possession of class B controlled substance and possession with intent to distribute said class B substance, a classification that encompasses various types of drugs, including cocaine and its derivatives.

The arrest highlights the ongoing challenge authorities face in curbing drug trade in known hotspots. Despite continued efforts to monitor and intervene in such activities, the Worcester Police Department remains committed to tackling drug-related offenses in the community, aiming to diminish the local narcotics traffic and its associated crimes.