Early this morning, a fire broke out in a large commercial building in Boyle Heights, producing heavy smoke and prompting a swift response from the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD). According to the LAFD, the blaze was reported at 09:10 AM at a structure sized approximately 1000' by 1000' located at 1400 S Los Palos St. Firefighters executed an offensive strategy against the flames, requesting additional support, which brought two more task forces to the scene.
The situation was brought under control within 48 minutes as reported in a follow-up announcement by the LAFD, stating the "knockdown" of the inferno occurred at 09:59 AM, in which the efforts of over 70 firefighters culminated in dousing the fire with no injuries reported; the firefighters were able to quickly establish hose lines on the roof of the building contained the fire to a portion of the vast solar panel array which is atop the commercial structure meanwhile inside crews are investigating to ensure that there's no further risks.
LAFD Knockdown Structure Fire details about the building, which appears to be a cold storage facility, and the strategy that ultimately led to the successful containment of the fire.