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Published on September 11, 2024
Worcester Police Seek Public Assistance in Locating Missing Resident Nancy MarzucSource: Facebook/Worcester Police Department (Official)

The Worcester Police Department has issued a public appeal for help in tracking down Nancy Marzuc, a local resident who has been reported missing since walking away from her home. According to a Facebook post by the department, Marzuc left her residence on Whitney Street and there is concern that she might be experiencing confusion.

The police are specifically asking those in the vicinity of Whitney Street or anyone who has had recent contact with Marzuc to remain vigilant. Though not much has been disclosed about her characterization or why she might be confused, prompt public response could be critical in ensuring her welfare.

Concerned individuals or those with potential leads are asked to immediately dial 911 or call the Worcester Police at 508-799-8606. The police, in their quest to locate the missing woman, are looking for any piece of information that could prove helpful.