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Published on October 06, 2024
Hamilton Announces Leaf Collection Schedule: Residents to Rake Leaves to Curb from October 21Source: City of Hamilton

Fall is officially here, and Hamilton's annual leaf collection ritual comes with it. The city has announced that the process will begin on October 21, and citizens are encouraged to rake their leaves out onto the curb in time for their designated pick-up dates. According to the schedule released by the city, the collection will start with Route #1 and Route #2 during the week of October 21-25. It will continue through different areas until December 20, with final spot collections until January 12, 2025.

To ensure a smooth leaf collection season, the City of Hamilton asks residents to follow specific guidelines outlined on their website. Among these, leaves should not be bagged as the city will not pick them up in that form. The instructions also include keeping leaves away from parked cars and avoiding the inclusion of grass clippings, tree branches, or brush. The city has taken a step further to efficiently communicate with residents about when their leaves will be collected. They've decided to update customers via a novel text messaging tool, which residents can sign up through the City of Hamilton website. This tool can send notices for power outages and other real-time alerts based on address.

Looking at the schedule in more detail, the second week of collection, October 28 - November 1, will cover Route #3 and Route #9, moving on to Route #4 and Route #5 between November 4 and November 8. The process continues systematically across different areas of Hamilton, ensuring that all fallen leaves are picked up before the arrival of snow, necessitating using trucks for snow removal instead. The leaf collections also coincide with residents' need to keep their neighborhoods clean, sparing them the trouble of bagging and disposing of the leaves.

As the leaf collection kicks into full swing, residents should also be mindful of the dust the city equipment can generate. It's recommended to anticipate the need to wash cars or outdoor furniture that might get covered in fine dust. Rumpke will collect appropriately bagged leaves all year, capped at six cans or bags per week for those who miss the curb line pickups. More details can be found on the city's official leaf collection page. As winter approaches, the attention given to these leafy remnants is more than a chore. It's a shared endeavor to maintain the pulse and cleanliness of the city's communal spaces.