The City of Denton is reaching out to its residents for their insights on the latest utilization of federal grant money. According to a recent announcement, the Community Development Department is seeking public input on the 2023-2024 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), a document that details how funds were spent within the community over the past year.
The focus of these funds is clear: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) monies have been directed toward key initiatives aimed at benefiting those of low- to moderate-income status. According to the City of Denton, this encompasses infrastructure work, economic development, public facilities upgrades, housing rehabilitation, and expanding public services. Simultaneously, HOME Investment Partnership Program funds have been channeled specifically toward fostering affordable housing options for the underprivileged in Denton.
In showcasing the CAPER, the city displays transparency over the allocation and outcomes of these federal funds. The report is now publicly available and lays out in detail the activities undertaken, the distribution of finances, and the data metrics on who exactly has benefited from these programs in the 2023-2024 period.