In a recent court proceeding, the United States Attorney Roger B. Handberg disclosed that a Middleburg resident, Loranzia Outin III, aged 48, entered a guilty plea for possessing firearms as a convicted felon. The individual, with a history of 10 felony convictions, could see up to 15 years of federal imprisonment. The exact date for his sentencing remains undecided.
Details from the case reveal that during a March 22, 2024 raid of Outin's home, both the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and their SWAT team uncovered a 9mm pistol and a .22 caliber revolver in Outin's room. Having a record comprising charges for drug trafficking and weapons possession, federal law bars Outin from the ownership of such firearms. This information comes according to court documents.
This incident is not a standalone narrative, but part of a larger program known as Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN). Announced by the Department of Justice, PSN represents a collaborative initiative to reduce violent crime and gun violence, aspiring to create a safer environment within communities. The program emphasizes trust-building, support for violence-preventative community organizations, strategic enforcement, and measurable outcomes. In response to the Department's violent crime reduction strategy, enhancing PSN was launched on May 26, 2021.
The investigation of Outin's case was conducted jointly by local law enforcement and federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Assistant United States Attorney Brenna Falzetta holds the reins of prosecution, as the case continues to underscore the concerted efforts to combat illicit firearm possession among previously convicted felons.