The most recent Board of Zoning Appeals meeting saw a mix of denials and approvals for variance requests from Ryan Companies US, Inc., according to the official document released by the City of Saint Paul. For the property at 2200 Ford Parkway, known as Highland Bridge Block 2B, requests 1 through 4, which included significant variances for floor area ratio and building heights, were denied in a previous meeting on January 6. However, subsequent requests 5 through 13 that pertained to lot coverage and glazing requirements for the proposed mixed-use development were later approved with conditions in a unanimous decision.
Similarly, another Ryan Companies proposal for a commercial building on the vacant lot at 0 Cretin Avenue South, Highland Bridge Block 2C, faced a split decision. Initial requests for a reduced floor area ratio and a lower building height were denied. The Board, however, opted to approve with conditions the remaining requests concerning the percentage of windows and doors across various façades of the building. This move is likely to allow the project to proceed, albeit with revisions to satisfy the Board's stipulations.
The meeting's detailed agenda outcomes, which were recently published, indicate the Board’s priority in adhering to the Ford Site Zoning and Public Realm Master Plan Design Standards.
No new business was presented at this particular meeting, signaling that the Board's focus was squarely on resolving the pending issues around the Highland Bridge developments. Interested parties and residents looking for more detailed information regarding the Board's decisions can find the official results at this link, as the specifics of the conditions imposed on the approved variances have yet to be publicly articulated.
Citizens who were unable to attend the meeting or provide feedback prior to the closed public comment period on December 6, 2024, will have to await future developments to further engage with the zoning process concerning these properties.