A major project to repair tracks and infrastructure in the Sunset Tunnel at Duboce Park will finally get underway this weekend.
The Sunset Tunnel Trackway Improvement Project involves replacing tracks, upgrading overhead wiring, refurbishing fire water valves, retrofitting the retaining walls and their foundations, and adding transit signal priority for Muni cars at nine intersections along the N-Judah route.
This whole shebang was supposed to kick off in September, but was postponed for two months after an old drainage pipe beneath the tracks was discovered to be damaged.
Now the project is ready to begin, with construction commencing around 7pm this Friday and stretching until 2am Monday. While the work is underway, bus shuttles will replace regular N-Judah service between Church and Duboce and Ocean Beach. The bus shuttles will follow the regular N-Judah route, except of course for the tunnel portion (they'll travel along Haight instead).
Work on the project will continue on the following two weekends, then will take a break and resume in early 2015. The entire project is expected to span 15 weekends, which means it likely won't wrap up until mid-2015.