The SFMTA has installed new soft-hit posts where Duboce Avenue intersects with both Fillmore and Church streets, with the goal of preventing drivers from making illegal turns.
According to SFMTA spokesperson Paul Rose, the posts are a response to neighbors' concerns that too many motorists were making illegal left turns from Duboce onto Fillmore, and from Fillmore onto Duboce.
"While signage already exists, this is another level of safety improvements to address the concern," Rose said.
"The safety posts prevent drivers from making illegal turns at Fillmore and Duboce," said Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association president and 400 Duboce resident manager Dennis Roybal, who was one of the neighbors who suggested the improvements.
According to Roybal, the safety posts on Duboce at Church now act as a wayfinder for pedestrians and cyclists, and discourage illegal turns from Church onto Duboce by drivers who are unfamiliar with the intersection.
The Church and Duboce intersection has long been a challenging one for the SFMTA, which rebuilt parts of the tracks for the N-Judah and J-Church line in 2012, and installed raised pavement markers on the N-Judah tracks to prevent outbound traffic at Church and Duboce. Roybal said that some of those markers are now broken, and need to be replaced.
Also in need of replacement: one of the nine bronze chairs at the Church and Duboce Muni stop, which was hit by a car in October and removed for repairs. As of two weeks ago, there was no date set for its reinstallation.
Do you think the new posts will help make a difference in terms of preventing illegal turns? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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