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Published on June 30, 2020
Top Denver news: All involved in head-on collision dead; Rockies to refund all single-game tix; morePhoto: David Shankbone/Flickr

Read on for the most recent top news you may have missed in Denver.

All involved in tragic head-on collision dead after 8th person succumbs to injuries

On Friday, the Colorado State Patrol confirmed seven deaths on U.S. Highway 40 following the crash, but the eighth person has succumbed to their injuries.

Read the full story on CBS Denver.

Denver city council president cancels weekly meeting, cites COVID

Council cited COVID in cancelling the meeting, but activists are calling BS.

Read the full story on DenverWestword.

Rockies to refund all 2020 single-game tickets

Major League Baseball will open an all-new 2020 season on July 23 or July 24.

Read the full story on 9NEWS.

Reopening Denver: Long lines welcome drivers at Denver Motor Vehicle locations

People lined up outside Denver Motor Vehicle locations as the offices reopened on Monday after being closed for months due to coronavirus. The long lines are a result of the limited capacity inside the buildings for safety.

Read the full story on CBS Denver.

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