In the heart of Brockton, a non-profit called Pinnacle Partnerships is forging a path of hope for families grappling with the mental health needs of their children. Co-founded by Kristi Glen, whose personal journey as a parent of a child with mental health challenges fuels her passion, the organization is offering a lifeline to those often left fumbling in the dark. Glen expressed her understanding of the daunting maze parents navigate, saying, "I know what it feels like to not know where to turn," as reported by CBS News.
With the onslaught of COVID-19, which left many parents like Elizabeth Marcella deeply concerned about their children's mental health, organizations such as Pinnacle Partnerships have become even more crucial. According to CBS News Boston, Marcella recounted the shift in her son: "He was three and four years old and super confident kid and then something changed." After realizing her son's needs, Pinnacle Partnerships opened doors to resources and directions otherwise clouded by overwhelming uncertainty.
Designed to empower and educate, Pinnacle Partnerships intertwines lived experiences with evidence-based clinical practice, as their website elucidates. Working one-on-one, Glen and her team of "lived-experienced" coaches—or PERLS as they are referred to—offer support to combat depression, anxiety, and self-harm inclinations prevalent among kids. "These experienced coaches or PERLS as we call them they are really out there to support not only the families but also the field by taking some of the weight off and helping to teach and educate families," Glen told CBS News Boston.
"We aim to help families who fall in between the cracks," Glen disclosed in recounting Pinnacle Partnerships' commitment to service irrespective of insurance barriers, a sentiment echoed in her discussion on the non-profit's outreach. Helping families neglected by traditional insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid, the organization becomes a beacon, as revealed by their official website. Marcella, whose son's path to recovery has been illuminated by Pinnacle Partnerships, explicitly shared her gratitude. "They opened up my eyes to different avenues to look down on so we can help get back to that boy he used to be," she told CBS News Boston.
The journey for Marcella's son and many others is far from over, but with Pinnacle Partnership's guiding hand, steps toward wellness are no longer trodden in solitude. Marcella's battle to confront her son's mental health challenges highlights the ongoing evaluation both through the school system and privately, ensuring that "nothing is missed" in her pursuit of his well-being—a pursuit made more hopeful with the support of Pinnacle Partnerships.