In Novato, a regular evening at the local 7-Eleven took an unexpected turn when a driver's mistake caused chaos. The incident happened around 6 p.m. on Diablo Ave., as per the Novato Police Department. The driver, trying to park in a handicapped stall, accidentally hit the gas, crashing into the store's glass front.
Although the police quickly ruled out impairment, a few people inside the 7-Eleven ended up with moderate injuries. They were taken to local hospitals by first responders. The store, once a go-to for late-night snacks, is now temporarily closed due to damage from the unintended crash.
Novato Fire Protection District quickly responded, taking care of the injured with skill and urgency.
The Novato Police expressed gratitude to the fire district for their fast help and sent heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery to the victims. They also took a moment to remind the community to stay alert during the busy holiday season. Distractions can lead to accidents, and these don't come wrapped in the spirit of the season. The Novato Police encouraged people to report anything suspicious and provided contact numbers (415-897-4361 during the day and 415-897-1122 at night) as a lifeline for those who might encounter danger or discord.