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Published on May 16, 2024
Chandler Residents Invited to Participate in Upcoming City Council Budget Review SessionSource: City of Chandler, Arizona

Chandler residents gear up to weigh in on the city's financial future as the Chandler City Council readies to review the proposed 2024-25 budget and a ten-year Capital Improvement Program. The meeting, set for Thursday, May 23, promises a platform for local voices before the council takes action. The council's agenda includes the Tentative 2024-25 Budget and the 2025-34 Capital Improvement Program, which if passed, will kick off starting July 1.

Interested locals can attend the council meeting in person or catch the live broadcast on Cox Cable 11. Alternatively, the session will be streamed on the city's website and YouTube channel for those opting to tune in digitally. The meeting promises transparency and a chance for residents to actively engage with the new fiscal proposals.

A follow-up meeting is on the horizon for June 13, which will feature a public hearing on the discussed budget, the CIP, and a Property Tax Levy. Decisions on adopting the 2024-25 Budget and the CIP will be made following the hearing. The final call on the Property Tax Levy is set to occur on June 27, potentially impacting the community's pockets directly.

Chandler's General Fund, vital for maintaining core municipal services such as policing, firefighting, libraries, and infrastructure, heavily relies on local sales tax and revenues shared by the state. Separate Utility Funds, brought to life by their self-sustaining nature, cover the city's necessities like Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste services, to name a few.

Those wanting to scrutinize the budget beforehand can find it online or in physical form at both the Downtown Chandler Library and the City Clerk’s Office. The effort to shape this fiscal proposal included the diligent work of the city’s Budget Office, which administered a community survey from November 2023 through mid-January 2024. The survey's results were handed off to the Mayor and City Council, providing a backdrop for informed decision-making.

Residents looking for more details on the budget can reach out to the City's Budget Office at 480-782-2254, taking a more direct role in understanding and influencing the spending road map for the years ahead.

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