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Published on July 01, 2024
Mercer University in Macon Hosts AI Ethics Day Camp for Middle Schoolers Source: Wikipedia/User:Korea2006, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming as ubiquitous as smartphones, Macon's Mercer University recently ran a day camp that aims to boldly educate middle schoolers on the responsible use of AI technology. The day camp, reported on by GPB, immersed kids in activities designed to not just navigate but also critically engage with the ethics of AI.

AI's potential to fundamentally alter the workforce was one key issue tackled at the camp. "With the existing workforce, AI is going to take over so much of the customer service or tech support,” technology teacher Joe Finkelstein challenged the students, ensuring they to consider the wider societal implications, as noted in GPB's coverage. Finkelstein's questions pushed students to ponder AI's role in job displacement, although finding solutions to such complex problems proved to be elusive for the youngsters.

Methodical and detailed communication with AI was another focus at the camp, highlighted by an exercise where campers had to instruct a counselor portraying an AI to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Finkelstein's activities, like making a seemingly simple sandwich, emphasized the precise nature of language required when dealing with artificial intelligence.

Unsurprisingly, AI's reach into the creative realm sparked both joy and contemplation among campers. "We learned that we have to be specific when giving commands or prompts in order to get exactly what you need,” camper Lawson Surles told GPB, after successfully prompting an AI to compose a song. Ethics continued to remain at the forefront, as Finkelstein encouraged campers to use AI as a tool to enhance their ideas, rather than to outright replace human effort.

The camp didn't shy away from exploring more advanced AI applications either. "We've talked about ethics a lot," Finkelstein acknowledged, bringing critical issues such as AI in surveillance and autonomous vehicles into the conversation. Camper Christabelle Kabuye showed grasping the initiative, querying an AI engine about its real-world uses, confirming its presence in sectors like health care, finance, and retail. "I’m curious how AI is probably going to be used in the future because most likely it’s going to be used a lot more," Kabuye expressed, encapsulating the forward-looking ethos of the camp attendees.