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Published on July 02, 2024
New Hampshire Man Charged After Child's Fentanyl Overdose, Nashua Police InvestigatingSource: Nashua Police Department

A New Hampshire man is now facing severe legal repercussions following the overdose of an 11-year-old girl on fentanyl, a powerful and often deadly opioid. Tyler Greenhalgh, 31, has been arraigned on charges including felony possession of a controlled drug, with a subsequent offense, and misdemeanor endangering the welfare of a child, according to a report from WHDH.

Emergency responders in Nashua intervened last week, saving the child’s life with Narcan, a medication used to counteract opioid overdoses. After being revived, the child was promptly transported to a local hospital for further treatment. The incident, details emerging from local police and court documents, paints a harrowing picture of close-calls and reckless endangerment with Greenhalgh, the critical link.

Further updating the community, NBC Boston shared that Greenhalgh is alleged to have had the drugs that led to the overdose and didn't fulfill his responsibility to look after the well-being of the child. This neglect prompted authorities to act swiftly, obtaining a warrant following an initial response on Thursday and Greenhalgh was arrested the next day. Bail was set at $2,500 during his Monday arraignment in Nashua District Court.

The Nashua Police Department is continuing its investigation and has made a public appeal for anyone with information about this distressful case, to step forward. Concerned individuals can contact the Nashusha Police Department Crime Line at (603)-589-1665.