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Published on August 13, 2024
68 Dogs Rescued from Suspected Animal Cruelty in Lakebay Home, Pierce County Sheriff's Department InvestigatesSource: PIERCE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT BLOTTER

In an operation that sheds light on the dark corners of illegal animal breeding, 68 dogs were rescued from deplorable conditions in a Lakebay home. According to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department blog, a search warrant was executed on July 18 following the report of a sick King Charles Spaniel puppy purchased from the residence, which later tested positive for the highly contagious and deadly Parvovirus.

The search revealed a scene of neglect, with dozens of dogs caged within a double-wide trailer, many of the cages failing to meet size standards and lacking water for the animals. Among these, several female dogs with their litters were found wandering loose. The conditions indicated a severe case of animal cruelty, resulting in swift action by the officers to rescue the ailing canines.

Tragically, during the raid, the gravity of the situation became evident when one puppy, sick and lethargic, passed away en route to emergency care. While two others, too far gone to save, had to be humanely euthanized after testing positive for Parvovirus, as per the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. Other puppies from the same infected milieu are under watchful eyes as they receive medical attention, in the hope of containing the spread of the ruthless disease and salvaging their chance at a healthy life.

All of the dogs were evaluated by a veterinarian at an Animal Hospital before being sent to a boarding facility, where they remain as part of the ongoing criminal investigation. With the dogs safeguarded and charges for animal cruelty being pressed, there is a grim hope that those responsible for the reprehensible conditions will be held accountable. "Animal Cruelty charges have been forwarded to a prosecutor for review and charging," the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department blog stated.