Minnesota's drive to position itself as a leader in biotechnology took a significant step forward earlier this year with the state legislature's approval of a new BioTechnology Innovation District in Brooklyn Park. The project, viewed as a catalyst for regional growth, is anticipated to create a plethora of employment opportunities with an estimated 10,000 new jobs and foster residential development with the addition of 3,000 housing units.
The City of Brooklyn Park is currently searching for a consultant to steer the ambitious development to fruition. An announcement made through the city's official communication channels reveals that a Request for Proposals (RFP) has been put forth, the response for which is due by October 4. The selected advisor will be tasked with a host of responsibilities including the establishment of project goals, a comprehensive scope, and a detailed timeline that marks the project's key deliverables. Prospective consultants are also expected to devise a revenue strategy for the district and lay the groundwork for, and direct steering committees that will oversee and align the project with its intended vision.
Officials have expressed that the establishment of the BioTech Innovation District is a strategic move towards bolstering Brooklyn Park as a stronghold for economic success within the region. “The BioTech Innovation District will further help the city become a hub of regional growth and economic success,” was the sentiment echoed in the announcement. The anticipation surrounding the district's potential for job creation and urban development signals a significant transformation awaiting the city's economic landscape.