The Cotati Police Department executed a search and arrest warrant at a residence in the 600 block of East Cotati Avenue yesterday, finding an individual allegedly in possession of child pornography alongside an alarming array of weaponry. According to the police department's report, the search yielded not only evidence related to child pornography but also ghost guns, assault rifles, unregistered firearms, and high-capacity magazines, which are illegal in California.
These findings have swiftly led to the arrest of the suspect, who is now facing multiple charges under the California Penal Code. According to the Cotati Police Department, the seizure included non-serialized firearms commonly known as "ghost guns".
The suspect has been booked into the Sonoma County Jail and faces significant legal repercussions. Identified charges include violations of Penal Code sections 30605(a), 32310(a), and 29180(c).