Last night in Santa Rosa, a marijuana dispensary robbery set off a series of high-speed car chases, leading to five arrests. The incident began when several assailants attacked an employee and stole cannabis products from a dispensary on Empire Industrial Ct.
The suspects fled in four vehicles, triggering a rapid response from the Santa Rosa Police Department. Officers near HWY 101 spotted the vehicles and initiated pursuits, which led to a night of evasive maneuvers, confrontations, and, eventually, the capture of the suspects.
When one of the suspect vehicles was followed by police, it suddenly sped away, causing the officer to stop the chase due to safety concerns. Meanwhile, another officer started a separate pursuit with a different suspect vehicle on the same highway. The outcomes differed: one vehicle escaped, while the other hit a curb at the HWY 116 exit in Cotati, forcing the suspects to flee on foot.
The cooperative efforts of multiple agencies, including assistance from the Sheriff's Helicopter, Henry 1, helped to corner three individuals who alluded capture from the crashed car. The series of events continued when another suspect vehicle was stopped by an SRPD officer. This stop escalated as one occupant engaged in a physical altercation and subsequently fled, leaving the other passengers to be detained without further incident.
Later investigations by Santa Rosa Police Department detectives led to the recovery of evidence linking the arrested suspects to the robbery. The suspects, Aurya Pratap Singh, Javier Artemio Ruvalcaba, Jacourtney Deshawn Carter, Chermeine Vedell Carter, and Reginald Dale Harris III, are now facing charges related to robbery, conspiracy, felony evading, and resisting arrest.