Last night, a perilous rescue unfolded in a remote area northeast of Cloverdale, where three individuals found themselves in desperate need following a side-by-side accident. The California Highway Patrol's Golden Gate Division Air Operations, known as H30, rapidly responded to the request for aid placed by the Sonoma County Fire District. In quick succession, the Sonoma County Sheriff's helicopter unit, Henry-1, tuned into the distressing details and swiftly joined the response efforts.
According to a social media update from CHP - Golden Gate Division Air Operations, the coordinated rescue was necessitated by the severity of the incident and the remote location, which made access by ground challenging. H30 managed to locate the accident scene first, allowing them to land nearby and quickly make patient contact. The crew discovered three patients with varying degrees of injuries, ranging from moderate to major.
Henry-1 then demonstrated a crucial teamwork aspect, inserting their EMT Flight Officer to assist with the on-ground patient care. "The patient with major injuries was packaged and flown via longline to H-30", detailed the post on the CHP's Facebook page. The precision and swiftness of the procedural tandem between H30 and Henry-1 were paramount in any crucial moments of a large-scale emergency operation.
Following the initial extraction, H-30 took flight with the most severely injured patient toward the local trauma center, leaving no time to lose. Henry-1 took charge, decisively orchestrating the transport of the remaining two patients. They were swiftly flown to meet a waiting ambulance, ensuring that all the injured parties were properly tended to promptly.