In the shadow of Hurricane Debby's chaos, Manatee County Animal Welfare (MCAW) has become an unexpected harbor for scores of misplaced companions. According to recent reports on the Manatee County website, since August 1, MCAW has been sheltering 129 stray animals and offering a fee waiver to encourage pet reclaiming and adoptions.
For those who's pet went astray amidst the storm-tossed surroundings, a visit to the MCAW Bishop location is advised. The facility is situated at 5718 21st Ave. W., Bradenton. Stepping in to take this extra measure might just to reunite humans and their four-legged family members. MCAW points out that social media can also be a vital tool in these reunification efforts.
The MCAW is extending “hurricane hold” up to two weeks for some animals at the Bishop shelter, as mentioned on the Manatee County website. A significant number of dogs, kittens, and rabbits, unaffected by the holds are immediately available for adoption. Notably, over at the Palmetto Shelter located at 305 25th St. W., Palmetto, there are 100 dogs ready to be taken into loving homes, and Cat Town at 216 6th Ave. E., Bradenton, hosts 49 cats awaiting adoption.
“If you’ve lost a pet or are searching for a new companion, we are here to help,” MCAW Animal Care Division Manager Jennifer Hume stated. She underscores the urgency and availability by saying, “With over 300 animals currently in our care, visit MCAW to see if you’re missing pet has been found . . . or to meet our wonderful animals in need of a loving home,” as per the Manatee County website.