Coon Rapids is making a play for more culture and local engagement by inviting artists from the area to display their creations within the civic galleries of City Hall, in an arts initiative that's as community-focused as it is aesthetic. Revealed in a recent announcement, the Coon Rapids Arts Commission is actively seeking local and regional artists to apply for their rotational art program, a move that's part of a larger effort to integrate and promote arts within the community sphere.
Art is not just for the high-brow galleries, and the corridors of Coon Rapids City Hall are set to become a public canvas—artists have until distinct quarterly deadlines to submit their pieces for consideration, and application is as simple as a click away, with an online submission process that surely aims to streamline creativity into the city's bureaucratic heart. According to the details posted here, selected artworks will get a three-month stint to impress local bureaucrats and public visitors alike, a refreshing change for the oft-sterile government spaces.
Submission deadlines, because everyone in the art scene loves a good deadline, are set with military precision—artists have the chance to be selected at varying intervals throughout the year, with notification dates attractively scheduled a comfortable month before each new term; it's quarterly art refreshment, city hall edition. For those keen on brightening up the municipal environment, applications are due by December 1st for the January through March slot, March 1st for April through June, June 1st for July through September, and lastly, September 1st covers October to December, practically carving out a cultural fiscal year.
This isn't Coon Rapids' first rodeo with public engagement the City and arts commission have demonstrated a track record for promoting the intersection of community and culture, and this program is just another brushstroke in their larger mural of public involvement. Interested artists are encouraged to visit the city's website—not just to admire municipally-friendly website design—to complete the application and peruse documents such as the public art policy and insurance waiver, getting all the dreary but necessary paperwork out of the way for their potential exhibition term. More information can be found by following the breadcrumbs of Coon Rapids' own posting.