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Published on October 03, 2024
OnlyFans Model Adriana Vieira Drowns Off Miami Coast During Boat PartySource: Google Street View

An OnlyFans model known as LadyRichForever, Adriana Vieira, was found drowned off the Miami coast last month. According to a Miami-Dade Medical Examiner Department autopsy report obtained by New Times, she had been swimming in the waters off Key Biscayne during a party on a chartered yacht when the incident occurred. The report stated, "She never resurfaced," after doing several flips and diving underwater headfirst. The tragic event took place on September 21.

The yacht had been anchored offshore in the "middle of the sea," and the group on board, including Vieira, enjoyed food and alcoholic beverages. Despite warnings from one of the patrons about jellyfish in the water, Vieira stayed behind while others exited the water. The autopsy revealed no drugs in her system and determined drowning as the official cause of death. Within approximately ten minutes after she went under, according to the medical examiner's documents, the U.S. Coast Guard retrieved Vieira's body.

A native of São Paulo, Brazil, 31-year-old Vieira moved to Florida with her husband, Roberto Tesario. He later returned to Brazil while Vieira remained to raise their young son and further her career. She had a significant following online with her Instagram account boasting 505,000 followers, featuring modeling shots including her participation in Miami Swim Week in July 2023. Her music endeavors, as well as her OnlyFans work under the alias "Lady Rich Forever," contributed to her online presence.

Contrasting the detailed report from New Times, initial reports from other outlets had provided scant details, vaguely describing the accident scene as a harbor and the event as a swanky yacht party. A social media post merely mentioned Adriana's attendance at a party hosted by an unnamed rapper. Dismayed by the circumstances of her daughter's death, Vieira's mother, Antonia de Lourdes Vieira, told a Brazilian news outlet, "I want my daughter's death to be investigated and help [bringing] her body back," expressing her distress and her need to understand what happened.



While a formal police investigation is underway, the diminishing digital presence of Vieira stands as a stark reminder of the transitory nature of such online fame; her OnlyFans page is no longer accessible, but some content such as her TikTok videos remain. These platforms served as a conduit for her ambitions and the aspirations she held for not just her career but for a life so abruptly concluded amidst the waters that should have borne witness to merriment, not mourning.

Miami-Crime & Emergencies