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Published on December 11, 2024
Hamilton County Bids Adieu to 22 Veteran Employees Amassing 686 Years of ServiceSource: Hamilton County, Indiana

In a substantial shake-up for local government staff, Hamilton County is poised to bid farewell to 22 of its seasoned employees. Together, they've dedicated a staggering 686 years of service to their community, as detailed in a recent announcement. "I’ve got one month, ten days, 13 hours, and 27 minutes left until I retire," shared County Surveyor Kenton Ward in an interview obtained by Hamilton County's official news outlet, his precise countdown underscored by years of anticipating this moment.

Sheena Randall, Director of Human Resources for Hamilton County, underscored the significance of this moment, stating, "This is one of our largest retirements in history, if not the largest." The mass retirement wave is attributed to the aging Baby Boomer generation, a cohort that has been a bulwark of the county's labor force, according to Hamilton County website. Departments across the county have engaged in proactive succession planning, a strategy that has been in the works for years, preparing a new roster of leaders ready to step up as veterans step back.

The count of those clocking out for the final time includes not just Ward, who began his tenure with the county at the tender age of 19, but also Kim Rauch, who bids adieu after nearly 30 years. Rauch, the Executive Assistant and Office Manager for the Hamilton County Auditor, reminisces about her time in service, expressing gratitude for a bountiful career while looking forward to her impending retirement. According to her statement to Hamilton County's news bureau, "I’ve had the privilege of working under three different auditors and it has been a true pleasure to serve my community, but I’m looking forward to not having to ‘adult’ anymore!"

Both Ward and Rauch note the county’s competitive benefits and positive work environment as key factors contributing to their lengthy stints. "Hamilton County has always been a wonderful place to work, and our strong history of employee retention speaks to that," Randall added in a statement obtained by Hamilton County website. Her words encapsulate a sentiment of respect and appreciation for those who've served, paired with enthusiasm for a fresh cohort ready to usher in a new chapter for Hamilton County.