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Published on December 09, 2024
Raleigh Winter Preschool Programs Offer Interactive Outdoor Learning for Kids Ages 3-6Source: Google Street View

Raleigh's youngest residents can now register for a range of exciting educational opportunities aimed at combining fun with outdoor learning. The city's Parks and Recreation Department has announced a series of Winter Preschool Programs scheduled to take flight in the new year. Open to children aged 3 to 6, these hour-long classes promise to pack education, interactive games, and crafts into a memorable experience.

With a modest price tag ranging from $3 to $4, the offerings include diverse topics like 'Jakes and Jennies', 'Seasons of the Sun', 'Super Animal Senses', and 'Master of Disguise'. Set to take place at 10:30 a.m. and concluding at noon, these thematic classes are spread across the calendar on January 8, February 5, March 5, and Aprirl 2 for animal-based adventures, while celestial observations can be enjoyed on January 22 and April 14. On March 17, wrapped in mystery and pretending to be something they're not, children can learn the art of stealth and mimicry through 'Master of Disguise', as detailed by the City of Raleigh.

As the seasons change, the 'Seasons of the Sun' class offers a dual opportunity to learn about the Earth's journey around the sun and the resulting changes we feel on the Earth's surface. The detailed schedule, including the 'Super Animal Senses' session set for February 19, encourages little ones to hone their perception skills, using the wonderfully developed senses of various animals as a guide. Registration information and further details can be found on the City of Raleigh website.

These educational programs come at a crucial time when outdoor education faces a newfound appreciation, with the pandemic having underscored the importance of nature in the holistic development of children. According to a statement published by the City of Raleigh, "Classes are an hour of outdoor educational programming, interactive games, and crafts," underscoring the multifaceted approach to learning that these programs aim to provide. Enabling children to explore and learn about the natural world, each class is designed to instigate curiosity and engagement with the great outdoors, encouraging the young minds to grow just as robust as the old trees anchoring the green spaces they'll play within.