In a stark reminder of the risks associated with heating devices during colder months, a man and five cats narrowly escaped an early morning blaze in northwest Oklahoma City, per reports from KOCO. The fire, which erupted around 1 a.m. at a residence near Northwest 32nd Street and MacArthur Boulevard, originated from a space heater in a shed behind the owner's house — a make-shift shelter to keep his pets warm.
The residence's occupant managed to exit the fiery scene unharmed, and after his initial discovery of the fire, called 911 as the inferno extended its reach to the main house, he told firefighters he saw the orange glow outside and despite his efforts with a fire extinguisher, there was just "too much fire," according to KFOR. Although most of the pets were rescued, authorities are still in search for one missing cat, and the Oklahoma City Fire Department continues to caution the public on the careful use of space heaters as colder weather persists.
No one was hurt and most pets were fine in the recent incident, but it highlights the need to be extra careful with heating devices in cold weather. Oklahoma City Fire Department is reminding people to be aware of safety when using space heaters. They should be placed carefully and watched closely, especially when near other objects or structures, to keep everyone safe, as per KOCO.