The Placer County District Attorney's Office has prevented convicted child molester William Vogel from being granted parole, according to a recent update on their official social media page. Vogel, a pilot, was convicted in 2004 on nine counts of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14, among other offenses. He attempted to secure his release again after being denied parole for three years in 2023.
According to a social media post from the Placer County District Attorney’s Office, the Lifer Parole Case division successfully argued against Vogel’s release, highlighting his unwillingness to engage in "appropriate programming" for rehabilitation. Vogel was apprehended in 1999 at an Auburn park, engaged in predatory acts against children. At the time of his arrest, authorities discovered evidence of similar crimes across five different counties and over 1,200 child sexual abuse images in his possession.
The Parole Case Division prosecutor described Vogel as a "prolific predator," due to his pattern of using his piloting skills to travel to remote areas to commit his crimes. During the parole hearing, Vogel was reported to have shown a lack of remorse and a persistent denial of any issues related to pedophilia – factors that have "hampered his rehabilitation," according to the parole board. The prosecutor's office maintains that such denial of parole reinforces "truth in accountability" and helps to maintain trust in the justice system, as reported by the Placer County District Attorney's Office.
The district attorney's office also emphasized the importance of victim's rights during the parole process. The Victims Services Unit provides support to victims and next of kin, ensuring that their rights are protected during parole hearings. They advise those affected by Vogel's crimes to keep their contact information up to date by filling out the CDCR 1707 form to continue participation in the parole hearing process.