Welcome to the first weekend in the stretch between Thanksgiving and the end of the year.
It’s a period of time qualified by our relative resistances to airborne flue pathogens and equally airborne viral strains of increasingly ubiquitous Christmas music. So, why not take a break from shopping related procrastination to enjoy one of the upcoming weekend events going on throughout the Inner Sunset?
Hidden Garden Steps Grand Opening Ceremony
December 7th, 12pm - 2pm, 16th Ave @ Kirkham
The time has come to celebrate the completion of one of the Inner Sunset’s most important new pieces of community art. This marks the end of a nearly three-year mission by the project’s organizers, so come out to share in a potluck, ribbon-cutting/bubble-blowing (byo bubbles) ceremony and music presentation. More details can be found here, and you can make things Facebook official here.
SF Bombers Pro Co-Ed Banked Track-Roller Derby
December 7th, 8pm, Kezar Pavilion
It’s the Bay Bombers vs. the ARSD All Stars, this Saturday at the Kezar Pavilion. The track is banked. The face plants are loud. If you don’t know the rules, don’t worry. They explain them to you before the game starts. And really, isn’t all you need to know that you get to spend your evening watching one of SF’s oldest organized sports teams bring some very likely pain? Tickets are available through Goldstar or through the Bombers’ website. Toys for Tots is also offering free general admission to guests aged 12 or younger if you bring an unwrapped toy to the game for donation.
Inner Sunset Sunday
December 8th, 11:00am - 6pm, Irving Street between 9th and 10th Avenues
Wouldn’t your loved ones or tolerated co-workers appreciate a gift with a little local color to it? Wouldn’t you love to support your neighborhood while taking in the best its resident musician’s and artisans have to offer? If you’ve ever had trouble answering those questions, maybe this weekend’s Inner Sunset Sunday could come to your assistance. Drop by at the usual place between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM, where you catch any of the events listed here, while tasting some local food and seeing what participating merchants and organizations have to offer.