The news of President Trump's executive order on immigration from Muslim countries drew opposition from around the country yesterday, including a large protest at SFO's international terminal and a smaller one that marched through the city's streets.
Now, organizers are gearing up for a larger protest, set for 3pm this coming Saturday, February 4th, in Civic Center Plaza. According to the Facebook event, 7,500 people have expressed interest and nearly 2,000 have said they will attend.
Organizers say the protest will target the President's "racist and exclusionary executive orders ... Join us in sharing your immigration stories and standing in solidarity with all our brothers and sisters."
LET THEM IN.Thousands gather at SFO to protest the Muslim refugee immigrant ban. #nohatenofearimmigrantsarewelcomehere
— ((wendymacnaughton)) (@wendymac) January 29, 2017
In addition to next weekend's protest, protesters are returning to SFO today for a second day of demonstrations. Here's more information on that protest.
Have more info on upcoming protests taking place in SF? Have you spotted a protest in action in the city? Text Hoodline at (415) 200-3233.