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Published on November 27, 2023
Chill Out, ATX Freezing Frenzy Hits Capital City with Hill Country in Frosty GripSource: National Weather Sevice

Brrr, Austin! It's time to layer up and weather the cold as temperatures take a nosedive, giving locals more shivers than thrills. KVUE has reported that this Monday morning has kicked off with freezing temperatures in some parts of Central Texas. In Hill Country, temperatures are expected to be particularly low, so residents should take extra precautions to stay warm.

The weather this week in Texas will be typical for the season. While the early mornings might be chilly, temperatures will gradually warm up throughout the day. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the temperature will be in the 60s, and then it will reach 70 degrees on Thursday. However, it's best not to put away your umbrella just yet. Another cold front is expected to arrive on Thursday, which will bring scattered showers and storms.

According to FOX 7 Austin's update, Austin residents needed their rain gear handy this morning but can look forward to clearing skies as Monday rolls on. Zack Shields, FOX 7 Austin's weather authority, breaks down the details and confirms the cold front's march across Central Texas is sure to carve out cooler air and a respite from the rain later today.

Isolated rain could swing by, according to KVUE, with highs being a mixed bag—think the mid-60s to lower 70s. 

Austin-Weather & Environment