In a heartbreaking case of animal neglect, the San Diego Humane Society is on a fervent hunt for information after two horses were discovered abandoned and ailing in the Tijuana River Valley Regional Park. The Humane Society's law enforcement division is reaching out to the public to track down the callous individuals responsible for this deed. One horse was rescued last Tuesday, followed by another on Sunday, but despite rapid intervention, one of the forsaken creatures had to be put down due to excruciating pain.
The second unfortunate equine, found unable to escape its misery, was so grievously afflicted that vets had no choice but to mercifully end its suffering through euthanasia, as detailed in a somber release by the Humane Society. The first horse, a male Quarter mix who managed to capture the hearts of his rescuers, is currently receiving care at the San Diego Humane Society's Escondido Campus. "We are here to help, so please reach out to us before you leave an animal to fend for themselves," implored Jace Huggins, the Chief of Humane Law Enforcement, according to the society's statement.
Under the stern eye of California law, abandonment of an animal is not only an abominable act but also a criminal offense. As the officials continue to press on with the investigation, they are steadfast in their appeal to the conscience of the public to come forward with any shred of information that might lead to the heartless abandoner.
With the incident stirring grave concern among animal advocates and locals alike, the Humane Society is urging anyone with information to boldly come forward and contact their Humane Law Enforcement at 619-299-7012. Those struggling to provide for their pets are encouraged to proactively seek support from the San Diego Humane Society, ensuring that no more animals have to suffer the same fate. Those wishing to aid the investigation can find more details or report tips at Photos and videos of the horses, available for media use, carry the story's weight beyond words.