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Published on April 12, 2024
Corpus Christi to Host 2024 Governor’s Small Business Summit in Effort to Sustain Texas Job GrowthSource: Texas Economic Development

Lone Star State's small business owners and entrepreneurs, mark your calendars for a date with an opportunity. Governor Greg Abbott has declared that the 2024 Governor’s Small Business Summit will pitch its tent in Corpus Christi on April 18, with the aim to bolster local business growth and maintain Texas' standout job creation record.

According to a press release from the Governor's office, "Small businesses are the very heart of our communities and the backbone of the booming Texas economy." With over 3 million small enterprises already planted in Texas soil, employing nearly half of the state’s workforce, Texas stands tall as a leader in small business job growth.

The conference will be set up at the American Bank Center, 1901 N Shoreline Blvd, where industry insiders will unravel the enigma of starting and scaling small businesses. Topics such as financing, marketing, and cybersecurity in the current tech-savvy market are on the bill, designed to demystify the modern commerce landscape for Texas' business community. Attendees will also find avenues for networking with counterparts and accessing a pool of resources tailored to their growth requirements.

Building a "bigger, better Texas" is not just political rhetoric — it’s the objective driving this summit. As elaborated in the statement, the event fosters connections with varying levels of government and industry specialists. Attendees are offered a platform for networking, where they can snag expert advice for a mere $20 registration fee, lunch included.

The Corpus Christi summit is just one of many statewide initiatives designed to prime the pumps of Texas' economic engine. The schedule for forthcoming summits has been set, with destinations like Pampa, Round Rock, and Lufkin beckoning over the horizon. For those unable to attend in person, on-demand small business webinars are available through the Governor’s Economic Development and Tourism Office and Office of Small Business Assistance, making support accessible beyond the brick-and-mortar.

For the more immediate future, Corpus Christi beckons. Participants looking to take advantage of the summit's offerings can find more details and register at the official website. The upcoming schedule for business owners looking to network, learn, and expand is well-fleshed out, with dates set across the Texan map well into December 2024.