In a move aimed at fostering greater participation and diversity among juror pools, Alameda County is set to roll out a new pilot program that bumps up juror pay to a substantial $100 a day and an increased mileage benefit starting next week. The initiative, which includes six other superior courts across California, kicks into gear on September 2 and represents a state-funded effort to see if throwing more money into the mix might more effectively change the makeup of juries.
Subject to this new scheme, prospective jurors can expect to pocket $0.67 a mile for travel expenses to the courthouse; this kicks in from their second day of service; for those already serving on a jury on September 2, the enhanced rates will also start then. These increased financial benefits are funded by California's General Fund, as spelled out by the Superior Court of Alameda County. The Judicial Council of California has brought in the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) to keep tabs on the program, surveying Alameda County jurors on their demographics and how willing they are to participate, hoping to pinpoint the correlation between more cash and more diverse juries.
Presiding Judge Thomas Nixon shared the court's enthusiasm, noting, as per the Superior Court of Alameda County, "Our Court is excited to be included in this pilot program to help determine the most effective ways to ensure juries are truly a reflection of the community and a panel of peers". Outlining the critical role jurors play in our judicial system, Judge Nixon emphasized the importance of higher juror participation. Historically, jurors received a modest $15 daily service fee and a $0.34 per mile mileage allowance for their commitment, with an additional perk of up to $12 for those opting for public transport, figures that will be boosted significantly under the new pilot program.