The extravagance of Dolton's officials has been laid bare following a struggle for transparency, with the release of credit card statements exposing tens of thousands of dollars in high-end hotel stays, upscale dining, and various other lavish expenditures — all on the taxpayer's dime. An in-depth review of the records, court-ordered to be released after Dolton repeatedly refused to comply with state transparency laws, reveals a disturbing pattern of grandiose spending that raises eyebrows and the ire of taxpayers.
Detailing some of the controversial expenses, the Chicago Tribune reported locals are on the hook for bills including $4,500 for hotels in Atlanta and Portland, over $20,000 for a trip to Austin, and a single outing to Ruth's Chris Steak House topping $100. Charged with scrutinizing this mismanagement, ex-Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot hinted at a deeper financial abyss facing Dolton and questioned the lack of checks and balances.
Among the documents released was an indication of a personal photographer costing the village $3,491 and more than $374,000 shelled out for luxury SUVs, as noted by WGN's investigation. Village Trustees have expressed shock and frustration. "When you see things like this – it's just a punch in the gut," Trustee Tammie Brown told WGN TV, deploring both the secrecy surrounding these financial activities and the striking lack of tangible benefits from the expensive trips.
This spending spree extended beyond just travel and dining, with Trustee Jason House lamenting the misuse of village funds on various retailers. The village paid significant amounts for grocery items outside of Dolton with none supporting local stores, according to the Chicago Tribune.