Phoenix/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on August 05, 2024
Former Phoenix Suns Player Charged in Scottsdale Disturbance, Admits to False 911 CallSource: Scottsdale Police Department

Former Phoenix Suns player Cameron Payne was arrested in Scottsdale following a disturbance, according to details released in a police report. Around 2:30 a.m. on June 14, a 911 caller who later identified himself as Terry Johnson indicated a need for police assistance at his residence and then hung up. Dispatchers heard yelling in the background before the call ended. As reported by AZFamily, police efforts to return the call were met with the same person claiming no incident had occurred, despite sounding agitated.

When officers arrived at the scene, they were met by a man who was later identified as Payne. He admitted he called 911 during a disagreement with his girlfriend. The police report, as obtained by AZFamily, described how Payne allowed the officers to enter and speak to his girlfriend. She informed the officers that "Terry" had called 911 as a bluff to try to prove a point during their argument. Furthermore, Payne refused to identify himself fully, escalating the situation with the attending officers.

The authorities informed Payne that under the investigation, he was obliged to provide his legal identity or face arrest. Initially, Payne continued to argue, maintaining the false identity of Terry Johnson, however, he eventually shouted his real name, challenging the officers, "If you wanna arrest me for telling you a fake name, congratulations." Subsequently, he was handcuffed and arrested on charges of providing a false name and filing a false report, as stated in AZFamily article.

Payne was taken to the Scottsdale City Jail and later released, the details of which were elucidated by 12 News.