In a modest ceremony on Friday, August 2nd, the Minneapolis Police Department welcomed its newest members to the force, following their completion of the demanding 3-week CSO Academy. Five Community Service Officers (CSOs), including two with a familial connection to law enforcement, joined the ranks poised to serve their city.
These graduates mirror a generational legacy, with CSO Walker Jr. following in the footsteps of his father, currently an MPD Sgt. Walker of Fifth Precinct Middlewatch. In a striking lineage, CSO Hanson carries the torch as a third-generation CSO, furthering a tradition fired in service that dates back to her grandfather who was part of the original CSO Class in 1971, as reported by the Minneapolis Police Department.
With a nod to the nascent officers' potential, the Minneapolis Police Department’s Facebook page championed their accomplishment: "Help us congratulate all five of our CSOs on the successful completion of the CSO academy!" This call to communal recognition not only underscores the accomplishment of the graduates but also implies an invitation to the public to participate in the celebration of what is a communal victory as well.