In Riverdale, Georgia, outside Charles Drew High School, a 15-year-old high school football player has faced an abrupt turn of events from sports stardom to a strenuous journey of recovery. De'Lon Jackson, who had dreams of reaching the NFL, found himself rushing to his mother's aid after she was involved in a car accident, a decision that led to devastating injuries for him.
On June 29, as practice concluded, Jackson learned of his mother's accident. He immediately sprang into action to assist her. "My first thought was getting my mom out of the car," Jackson told 11Alive. Shortly after ensuring his mother's safety, Jackson himself was hit by a car, resulting in the amputation of his right leg and severe injury to his left.
An online fundraiser has been set up to help with the medical expenses Jackson is incurring. As of the last report, the fundraiser has gathered $200 of its $100,000 goal. Participants interested in contributing to Jackson's recovery can do so via the linked fundraising page. Raven Winston, Jackson’s mother, emphasized the importance of the support now more than anything. "No matter what, don't take anything for granted," Winston said to FOX5 Atlanta.
Despite the physical and emotional trauma, Jackson's spirit remains undaunted. He and his mother, who he profoundly loves, remain each other's source of strength. "I love her to death. I don’t know what I’d do without her. I don’t know what I’d do," Jackson expressed in an interview with 11Alive. "I’m glad she’s here. I’m glad I’m here.” His mother resonated with the sentiment of unwavering care for her son, in the face of the life-altering adversity they've both faced.
With a long road of physical therapy and adaptation ahead, the community's support is pivotal for Jackson's recuperation. The high school football star now faces a different kind of challenge off the field, as he and his family navigate the uncharted territory of his recovery and rehabilitation, which will take place at CHOA, according to Simone’s statement. Her priority remains steadfast—taking care of her son and other two children.