In a situation that has disrupted the calm of an ordinary school day, the Mill Valley Police Department is currently engaged in a meticulous security sweep at Tamalpais High School following a bomb threat that has led to the school’s closure. According to the Mill Valley Police Department, the campus remains off-limits to the public as the investigation unfolds.
Earlier, the department had disseminated an initial advisory, urging the community to avoid calling 9-1-1 except to report an emergency, as call-takers were overwhelmed with an influx of inquiries regarding the situation. Amid this ongoing probe, the public has been requested not to contact the police department for additional information, as stated by the Mill Valley Police Department.
The entire Tamalpais Union High School District has been ensnared by the reverberations of this threat, prompting district-wide school closure. A notification echoed across the websites and in emails to parents, beseeched families to, "Please remain home or return home if you are already on campus or in transit," a directive that underscores the severity of the perceived risk, as CBS News Bay Area reported.
According to CBS News Bay Area, parents at one educational institution received a message that read, "We just received a Share911 evacuation order from the district for everyone to leave campus/not come to campus due to a bomb threat for the entire district." The threat looms over multiple schools, including Tamalpais High School in Mill Valley, and several others, such as Archie Williams High School and Redwood High School, among the affected.