The sleepy town of Wayland, Massachusetts found itself briefly at the center of suspicion and concern when an elementary school had to be evacuated after a student discovered a World War II-era grenade. This event unfolded yesterday afternoon at the Loker Elementary School, just as students were engaging with their after-school activities. According to WHDH, emergency crews responded to the school near 3:30 p.m. and found the grenade, leading to the immediate evacuation of students and faculty present on the premises.
Further intensity was added to the already charged situation as the local police and fire departments sent teams to quickly establish a perimeter to ensure the safety of the public, as reported by NBC Boston. The Massachusetts State Police Bomb Squad was called in for their expertise and soon determined that the grenade was inert, dispelling fears of an explosive threat. This piece of ordinance, silently harboring the echoes of a bygone era's battles, was removed from the school property.
Officials were clear in conveying that no present danger loomed over the local community as a result of the incident. A joint statement by the Wayland Police Department and the Wayland Fire Department, as obtained by WHDH, assured the public that the situation was under control. However, despite the apparent resolution, the question of how such an artifact found its way onto an elementary school campus remains unanswered.
Prompt action by local authorities meant that the incident was concluded without injury or further scare. "There is no danger to the public," reaffirmed the police, as was mentioned by Boston 25 News. While it has become more common to find historical remnants of war appearing in unlikely places, each instance serves to quickly remind us of the latent danger these relics carry. An investigation into the incident by the Wayland police is still ongoing to hopefully unearth how a grenade from a past conflict found a temporary home at Loker Elementary School.