Pullen Arts Center is offering new art classes for all ages. The center has family-friendly ornament-making workshops and more advanced courses in bookmaking and jewelry design. Registrations are open through RecLink, and a preview of the classes is available in their Leisure Ledger, according to the City of Raleigh.
Amy Veatch is leading a class called "Metals – Ornament Your Life" on November 30 for kids aged 7 to 16, accompanied by an adult. Participants will create textured metal ornaments and add beads. The cost is $70 for residents and $85 for non-residents, as stated by the City of Raleigh.
For ages 3-5, there is the "Clay with Me! Book Series," led by Sue Chegari. This class includes reading a fall-themed book and making a clay project. It runs on November 12 and 19. The cost is $50 for residents and $65 for others, including adult-child pairs. The projects will be ready for pick-up a few weeks after the class.
Kathy Steinsberger is offering a "NagHammadi & Vade Mecum Books" class starting November 13 for those 16 and older, with a cost of $108 for residents and $123 for non-residents, plus a $25 materials fee. Participants will create versions of ancient book forms and explore mono printing techniques. ndidi kowalczyk's "Simple Enameled Rings" workshop on November 23-24 is for those interested in jewelry, costing $166 for residents and $181 for non-residents, with a $15 materials fee. This class is suitable for both experienced metalsmiths and beginners looking to learn about enameling, as mentioned by the City of Raleigh.