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Published on December 03, 2024
Houston Firefighters Extinguish House Fire in Pleasantville, Save $135K in PropertySource: Google Street View

Residents of the Pleasantville area were met with the alarming sight of smoke billowing from a home on 1400 Pleasantville Dr. On Sunday, the Houston Fire Department responded to a house fire reported at 12:44 p.m. Firefighters swiftly arrived on the scene to confront the flames that had taken hold within a family residence.

The HFD encountered smoke emerging from the side of the house and immediately began to aggressively fight the fire. Their efforts were concentrated on stopping the fire from spreading further, particularly to the attic. According to a statement obtained by the HFD, "The crews controlled the fire and confined it to the room of origin with no extension into the attic." In the process of combatting the blaze, firefighters managed to save an estimated $135,000 worth of property, while the damage was assessed at around $20,000.

Fortunately, there were no injuries reported as a result of the incident. The origin and cause of the fire remain under active investigation by HFD Arson investigators. Early reports from the owner indicate the fire may have been accidentally started by her son playing with matches. With the investigation ongoing, the child involved has been referred to the Juvenile Fire Stopper Program, a preventative measure intended to educate young people on the dangers of playing with fire.

A total of 38 personnel were deployed to manage the emergency, drawing upon the skills and resources of firefighters from several HFD stations, including 41, 20, 45, 27, 42, and Rescue 42. The communal effort ensured that the blaze was rapidly brought under control and the situation was kept from potentially escalating.