Calling all parents and guardians with future kindergarteners: the enrollment gates are now open. If your little one will be turning five by August 31, 2025, you can start the registration process for the 2025-26 school year. According to FWPS, enrollment can be done online, but for those who prefer a bit of face-to-face interaction, in-person registration is also available at your child's future school during regular hours. You'll need to bring along a birth certificate, proof of your address, and your child's immunization records.
It's essential to also be prepared with two emergency contacts, along with addresses and phone numbers in case of any unforeseen events. While you're ticking off the checklist, remember to bring details of your child's healthcare providers too. FWPS reminds us, "It’s NOT too late to enroll your child. Kindergarten registration is open all year."
Once enrolled, your kids will experience the "First Six Days of Kindergarten," a gradual entry program devised to ease them into the school setting. During this time, as per the information from FWPS, students will be on a half-day schedule from September 2 to September 9. Moreover, they'll have the chance to familiarize themselves with the environment, school staff, and their peers before jumping into full-time attendance.
Additional prep comes in the form of K Camp, a special program designed to acquaint incoming scholars with their new academic habitat. For buildings that choose to run K Camp in August, students will start with their assigned teacher right on September 2. Those holding K Camp during the first two days, ease scholars in gently by allowing them to meet all the kindergarten staff before settling with their regular teacher on September 4. "All elementary schools will be holding K Camp for incoming kindergarten scholars," says FWPS, ensuring a uniform opportunity for acclimatization.
For families aiming for a head start, the Kindergarten Jump Start in the spring is the place to be. This meet-and-greet event lets you and your youngster get acquainted with the people and the place that will become a significant part of your lives. Lastly, for the parents mulling over options outside their neighborhood bounds, the Kindergarten Choice form, available at your local elementary school or the Educational Service Center, might be of interest.